So many of you knew that I was planning on having a HOME BIRTH. Yes, you heard me right. It was a decision my husband and I had made together. No, I am not crazy but I wanted to experience something that is so amazing and birth to life!
So here is my story...
March 7th
It was around 5pm and I was on the phone with my girlfriend Kat. I was sitting on the bed when I need to get more comfortable, I moved and well I think I peed in my pants. I told Kat I would call her back and quickly realized my WATER broke. "Holy shit, this just happened." My husbands response was, " O shit, we are not ready for this." Next thing you know I was sitting in an adult diaper ( fluid kept draining out, no shame) walking around the house not knowing what to I just kept walking pretending like I was doing something. After getting stuff ready we set up the tub in the living room and tried to go to sleep. That was a joke. The second I laid down I felt my first little contraction..nothing more than stomach ache....
March 8th
After trying to sleep with no success my contractions had gone into full gear. Even though I was having consistent contractions they were not finding the rhythm that we needed. We spent the rest of the day dealing with random contractions...and then the night came. This was probably the most intense part of the journey. I wasn't sure how my husband role would play into this process but he ended being my "go to person." The reason I say that is because when I am sick I want to be left alone and I thought for sure I would be that way with labor too.... mmm not so much. I not only needed but wanted my husband during every contraction. This was probably one of the most bounding experiences in our marriage. We are both still processing the amazingness that came from it but it for sure brought us closer together. Around this time my contractions started to get really intense in the middle of the night. I called my midwife to come over at 4am but nothing seemed to progressed... My midwife checked to see how far along I was dilated, 2cm. I cried when she told me.
March 9th
At this point my contractions would be getting closer and closer and then dissipate. I would go from them being 5 min apart to then 10 min apart. However, the intensity of my contractions were becoming overwhelming. The rest of the day was spent trying every way possible to get things moving. We tried walks, homeopathic herbs and then our last resort...castor oil. At this point John and I went on a walk and you could see the exhaustion on both of our faces. I think we both knew at this point that our home birth was not going to be at home. When we got back from our walk I downed some castor oil and we waited...... nothing happened. My midwife checked me again...3cm...kill me now.
That was it... my midwife suggested we go to the hospital before my exhaustion got worse. 2.5 days of labor, at risk for infection with my water breaking, 2 nights of no sleep and 1cm progression...we needed another form of intervention. Even though I wanted a home birth really bad, I am happy to say we gave it all we had. We tried everything and nothing worked. I know by this time we were all relieved and very anxious for our baby boy to come.
March 10th
Around 7am my nurse came into check me... 10cm and 100% effaced GAME TIME
NURSE " ok let me go get the doctor and lets have a baby."
ME " wait what?!?! like right now???"
NURSE "yes now"
ME " O Lord, I am not ready for this..."
After 30 minutes of pushing ( I was on a mission) TA-DA...Elijah Crew Colosi was finally here!
So precious! Congrats Kate and Jon!!! What a great story.
Ahhhh-birth... It's all so unpredictable!!!! I'm so glad you gave home birth a try, and that the whole journey of your birth brought you and John closer together -- what a great state to be in as you enter your first days of patenting!! Thanks for sharing your beautiful story!
He is beautiful and so is your story, God's amazing miracle of love and life
God Bless you and you continue this journey of three. <3 stay connected to the One who matter most, kim ungaro
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